Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post 2

During the 1800's and early 1900's tuberculosis was a really big issue, taking the lives of entire families, sometimes even whole towns. The first Waverly Hills Sanatorium was built in 1910, in an effort to keep the plague centralized in a certain area and to try and find a cure. The plague was so popular that the hospital soon became overcrowded, in 1926 a much larger sanatorium was built to accomodate up to 400 patients. The sanatorium sits on hill, in the outskirts of Louisville Kentucky, there is a perfect reason for this.According to "Bryan Bobette", It was thought the best treatment for tuberculosis was fresh air, plenty of nutritious food, and a lot of rest. There were also experiments that doctors tried to help the patients breath easier. One of which was called "pneumothorax", surgically collapsing and deflating a portion of the lung so that it would heal also, "thoracoplasty", taking out two or three ribs hoping the lung would expand and heal. Most patients who underwent this procedures did not survive; it's actually estimated 64,000 patients died in Waverly's first three years alone. The deaths were so bad they actually had a body chute, an underground tunnel used to transport the bodies from the top of the hill to the bottom. The body chute also helped keep the patients morale up, using the chute, patients were not able to see how many people were really dying. "Troy Taylor & Haven Entertainment" claim, the sanatorium was closed down during in 1961 and re-opened as Woodhaven Geriatrics sanitarium. During that time patients were mistreated and some even killed; the treatment of patients plus horrible conditions led to the state finally closing it in 1982.

"Troy Taylor & Dark Haven Entertainment" 2010.We. 20 October 2010

Bryan,Bobette."Waverly Hills Sanitarium The Haunted Hospital" 2005
We. 20 October 2010.

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